March 12, 2013

Road Trippin

This past weekend, we drove to Vegas, for the BYU and College Basketball tournament. Brimley and Scott joined us, and we were very happy about that!

We stayed at my sister Kodi's house, and they're moving in the summer, so it will probably be the last time to be at their house. My parents also stayed, and Tanner's whole family was at the hotel down the street. It was a party, to say the least!

Friday, we left around noon, and once we got to Vegas, we went to Wahoo's Tacos, and then to the game! We had a sad loss, but it was sure fun to watch!
our only picture from Friday

Saturday, we went out to a delicious breakfast, and it was "National Robot Day" (?) and they were all dressed as robots, with silver painted faces! We came home and chilled, the girls went and got pedicures, came home and took some naps, we went to The Gap, (on my way I figured out i left my purse at the salon....luckily they had it!), we met my family at Don Demarco's, seriously best pizza, and we all got these free, huge meatballs, for appetizers, eclairs for dessert, THEN we met Tanner's family at Serendipity...why? Cause we are fat..
After, we rode New York New York, which was as good as I remembered it! Toured the M&M Store, walked more on the strip, and went home. We were pooped! And stuffed. How did none of us throw up on that rollercoaster? Beyond me!

We went to my sister's ward Sunday morning, and luckily Kodi and Ryan were speaking, so that was a treat! We packed, and then were on the road. It was a fun, quick weekend, and I'm glad we were able to get out of Utah for a bit!

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