April 30, 2013

Good month

This month has sure been a good one. We finally finished finals, and headed to CA for the weekend, for our cousin's wedding. It was in San Luis Obispo or SLO as the cool kids call it. About an hour south of Santa Barbara.

Wednesday night, Tanner's parents, and Oma and Opa (grandparents) came in town for Brock's graduation. It was so fun to have Oma and Opa in Utah with us, and have them come see our condo! We went to Cafe Rio late, and I had come after a hard final, so I wasn't in the best mood, but Rio always knows how to cheer me up! :)

Thursday I was able to take my last two finals, and be home around 11 (considering my math was taken at 7 am!). 7 AM people. Math, and mornings aren't a great couple. We then went to BYU Commencment, and after went to BRIO over at Fashion Place. It was delish! And momma max got these cute cookies, along with basketballs with #13's on them. Dippidee has delicious cookies. MMM. We ate SO much crap this weekend. I hate reminding myself!(pictures from this night to come!)

Friday I went to work, and the clan met me for dinner at CPK on our way to the airport. I was so excited to go to some beautiful weather (Although, Utah isn't treatin us too shabby lately). We headed to our 9:30 flight, got back to the Z's house around 11, chatted with Lindsay (Ryan's wife), waited for the other brothers to get back from the Laker game, and then we crashed! It had been a long week!

Saturday Tan got up early and went to work at the nursery, then we all headed for the wedding around 10. We went to Doug's house (Tanner's uncle) in Santa Barbara to change, and have lunch, and an hour later, pulled up to the beautiful barn! The wedding ceremony was beautiful, on a ranch, and at the most perfect time of day. Then they were married, and cocktail hour began! Let's just say we were the only ones not in cowboy boots, and drinking. But, it was a good time! Each hors d'oeuvres came out on wood slabs, there were barrels with pretty flowers for little high boy tables, it was just such a pretty atmosphere! We then went into the tent, connected to the barn, for dinner, with chicken and flank steak, and everything in between. Then, the sides rose up, and the barn was filled with salted caramels, cookies, brownies, and every other sweet, and a photo booth! It was such a fun night! And then we drove home...another 4 hours!

To show we were really, truly at a barn!
we love our cute, sweet Opa
sunset was fabulous!
Sunday we all woke up and went to church as a family (Brock and Sarah had flown in and were leaving to visit New Zealand Sunday night). So, it was really fun to have dinner with everyone! We took a Sunday nap, watched a movie, made ice cream sandwiches for dessert, and back to the airport we went! Brock and Sarah had to be their 2 hrs early for the international flight, and Tan hates waiting at airports. Luckily we had our computers! We got into Utah at 1:30, and us, and Whit drove home. She had to teach the next day that poor girl! It was a great weekend to say the least. A crazy one, but a good one!!

Waiting for our flight!

Pictures from a bit ago:

On my drive to take my math test. The world is just beautiful isn't it?

We went to Awful Waffle to get some waffles and crepes before brim babe left for Italy! She's on her way their right now! Oh how i will miss her this spring/summer. I'm so excited for her adventure though!

I posted this on Insta, because I am a horrible artist, and I needed people to know that our sunbeams still like me. Hopefully our kids will too!
We celebrated at Cold Stone for our 6 months, and of course we brought Shelley to enjoy the fun!
Ok, I'm done.

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