April 7, 2014

Conference Weekend

As I have mentioned before, LDS General Conference was last weekend. My dad was able to get us tickets for Saturday morning, and Sunday afternoon session, and we stayed in SLC with them like we usually do. I couldn't wait for the weekend with them, and luckily we had a full week with Tanners family before, so it was such a party every night! 

Thursday night we watched Tanner and his intramural basketball game with our favorite team ever, and both families went, and we got dinner after. I met up with my parents for lunch on Friday afternoon, and then we went to my cousins BYU Baseball game that night.

It was a cold night, and we were bundled up in blankets. My dad on the other hand was using a sleeping bag, even until we got back to the car! He grew up in Idaho Falls, and I couldn't stop making fun of how wimpy he was! I guess that is what good ole AZ will do to ya!

Sadly these were the only pictures I took from the weekend, because I got the flu on Saturday morning. I had to run out of Conference a couple times, and then we got back home, it wasn't very fun. I felt so sick I didn't even have time to search for Mindy like I did last year, and my mom and I didn't get to have a girls night during Priesthood Session! I felt so horrible, and literally slept all day Saturday and Sunday. I stayed home from work today to rest a little more, and I'm starting to feel better. 

At one point this afternoon, I had Tanner give me a blessing, and then we went on a walk for some fresh air. I'm so thankful for a husband who is worthy and willing, and who has taken care of me this weekend! I can't wait for the Ensign to come out with the Conference talks so that I can catch up on the talks that I missed.

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