If you know me, you know I love my treats (just go check out my Pinterest board if you don't believe me). Ice cream, donuts, shakes, you name it, I want it. Everyone always discusses how much weight they gain over the holidays, but for me, its a never ending battle all year long. Now that summer is almost over ;( the pies and treats that have been on my mind to make, are screaming at me! Yes, pies can scream now.
I wanted to throw out a couple recipes to ya'll (I've been watching Bachelorette too much) in hopes that you'll join me in making them! Actually, do yourself a favor and let me just make all of them and get fat. Win Win.
Drumroll please....
1. Cowboy bark ice cream? Yes, please.
2. Give me anything lemon, and it's a donut. Soooooo...
These look so easy to make!
3. This Banana pudding looks amazing to me, and I've been itching to make it at a dinner party! And, we all know how much I love my mason jars!
4. Now this is my jam. Blueberry Cheesecake ice cream? What could be better?!
5. Raspberry Sticky Buns. If I could get myself up on Saturday morning, I'd so make these.
6. I've been wanting to make some knock-off swig cookies (eventhough Sodalicious is better-in my opinion-for all you UT peeps) to take for some gifts! These look bomb, and every review I read says her recipe is the best!
7. Annnd, last but not least, a strawberry pie. My friend Shelley and I have been wanting to make one for a couple months now! It reminds me of the 4th of July, and my mom used to make at least 2 when all the Carlsbad gang used to get together for dinner (now we are WAY too big!). I don't care if there aren't any patriotic holidays coming up, summer is patriotic, and I'm going to make a strawberry pie at our next backyard BBQ.

I hope you read this post when your tummy was empty, and you felt like you could eat your fist.
I need every single one of these things.