Before I start, I'm about to punch Blogger for not letting me have clear pictures! They're from my phone, but I've never had this problem before!
This weekend. 'Twas a good one. Tanner, my wonderful husband surprised me with Tim McGraw tickets! I had been calling in radio stations, looking up deals, anything for us to try and get cheap tickets. He has taught me to become frugal....
Anyways, I received a text on Tuesday, informing me that he bought, "Timmy tickets!". I was so ecstatic, and SO surprised. Don't get me wrong...he surprises me a lot. But, not with concert tickets! We were so excited to go, and the night was just great! We met up with our friend and his new girlfriend (she's darling), and jammed out the whole night! Never have I ever seen so many drunk people in Utah, it was hilarious.
We decided to listen to the last song from the parking lot, which was a good thing, because the freeway was merged to two lanes! It took our friends 2 1/2 hours to get home! We're the smart ones! :)
He's going to kill me for that one....but my future dentist is Dr. McSteamy and McDreamy...wouldn't ya say?

As I said before...I think I did?...My boss's house is in the Utah Valley Parade of Homes, so I took a break and the family drove around to about 6 houses! I love that stuff. We were looking in the bathroom, and came out to Soph laying in the bed! How could anyone get mad at that cutie?

Sunday was Father's Day, and we are going home this weekend to AZ for Ashlie's wedding. I was going to surprise him, and Brooke, and her fam, but somehow my dad found out! I thought he would be oblivious to when the wedding is...but he interviewd the cute couple, plan failed! I'm excited to see him, and the rest of the family though! My dad is one funny guy, and I just love him dearly.
Primary was so hyper on Sunday for some reason, so we sang the whole time. That is little Mia next to Tanner, and she absolutely adore's him. She just wants to hug him all day long! Who doesn't? :) This is her singing like a was the cutest thing!
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