I promise we are alive, and doing well. I guess we've just been having too much fun!! :) This past weekend we went to Las Vegas for our friend's weddings! Ryan and Tan served together in Florida, and we just think they're the cutest! Ryan's house is amazing, and the reception was just oh so beautiful! I love going to weddings! I can't wait for Ashlie's next week! EEK!
We left Friday afternoon, and got to the church at 6:31, so we changed in the bathrooms, and were set for the wonderful rehearsal dinner! Tan and I are pretty large people, and we sat in the back of Kyle's Audi, with black seats, and the air stopped working on our drive. It wasn't too fun! Luckily we each had a nice hotel room to go back to, and we didn't have to pay! :)
We hit up the strip that night, to go to serendipity, but it was CLOSED! So the boys pigged out at in n out! On Saturday, we went to the beautiful sealing in the Las Vegas Temple, and it was SOOOOO HOT. Remember when the air went out? Well that drive was literally the worst drive i've ever participated in. Seriously thought I was going to die. Tanner was dripping sweat. It was so sick. And, with the windows opened, it just felt like a hot blow dryer. YUCK. So, we stopped at AutoZone and picked up some Freeze On, in hopes it would cool down. It started working, but it wasn't feeling too great. Anyways, we cooled off at the hotel, and went down to Serendipity for some Nachos, and a carrot cake sundae! Delish. I love nachos. As of lately, I've been wanting to go back to our favorite BBQ place in Park City, because they're divine! So, since I saw Kim Kardashian ate them once, we thought they'd be fantastic! Not the best...but our sundae made up for it! Our check however, did not! :)

Hi- this is so extremely blurry? But this is Brynn. I love her. And her cousin married Ryan! It was great to party with a high school friend again!

Tanner has an awesome picture of the view, but I didn't get it from him yet! Why do iPhone pics look so gross sometimes?
Sunday morning we were able to go to church with my sister Kodi and her family, minus Mia..she wasn't feeling good! Luckily we were able to go back to their house and see her! They are moving today to go back to Palm Springs area, so it was good to see them one last time in Vegas! It's sad we won't be able to stay with them anymore!
Vegas was a success, it always is! I think just leaving 30 minutes from your house is what makes for a great trip! These next couple weeks are going to be fun...I can't wait to hit the beach! Working in an office has made me a pasty white chick. No fun!
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