General Conference was this past weekend, and we were lucky enough to attend Saturday afternoon session, and Sunday morning. Thankfully since I've lived in Utah, and a little bit of my High School, our family has always been able to have tickets because of my dad's calling. I feel so lucky to be in the same room as our Prophet, and listen to the sweet testimonies.
I only got one picture from the weekend, but it was a good one. Who was the first person I ran into can you guess? Mindy, of course. I love that girl. She recently had to go back to AZ for some hernia surgery, but she's back, and goin strong! She wasn't in as much pain, but I could tell she was tired a little wiped out. We were talking and noticed SISTER DALTON! Oh how I love her. We actually thought it was Beck at first, because there's TOO MANY NAMES! But, thankfully I have a husband who loveeees (and I mean it's his favorite thing ever) to look things up on Safari, and figured out, that in fact, it wasn't Beck. We got to talk with her for a couple minutes and she complimented us on our modest clothing (she was wearing 2 J Crew necklaces that stylin lady!), our hair, everything that really nice people do in coversations. We automatically felt better about ourselves in five seconds! She seriously is the sweetest lady, and told my mom she knows how wonderful of a mother she is and she had just met her! She was laughing, because now that she is released, she can come outside and enjoy the people, and she felt like such a celeb!
Her husband also talked to Tanner about their gold ties, and how gold stands for virtue, and Tanner didn't really know anything about the new Young Woman theme, because he was on his mission. So he told him to ask his wife and learn all about it! Ha! They are just such amazing people, and it was so special to spend 10 minutes with them, and feel like you were friends forever!
During Priesthood session, My mom and I walked around City Creek and did some more early birthday shopping...who doesn't love when mom is in town!? :) We were able to visit with the Sandstrom's, see other friends, and missionaries we knew, see old companions of Tanner's, and it was so fun! I just LOVE conference. And LOVE October, so it's a win, win.
Some of my favorite quotes from this conference are:
Thanks to Pinterest for allowing me to print them off :)
Like President Monson said at the closing of Sunday morning, this was one of the best, and most spiritual conferences he's been to. I highly agree. Lots of tear were shed.

Conference was just sooo good this year! Love all your cute photos!