March 24, 2014

My Story

Last weekend when we headed to AZ, I decided to read Elizabeth Smart's book: My Story. It took a lot in me to finally decide to read her book, because I was so "involved" in her kidnapping.

Being kidnapped has been my number one fear, ever since I was a child, and I'm sure it's more everyone's. In fact, I would sleep with a sports bra, and a hair tie on my wrist every night, because I figured I would want my hair up, and if I wore a bra, I would never be revealed. After Elizabeth got kidnapped, it was all over the news, and I was someone who thought I was next. I just figured he, or someone would find me. I get VERY scared, very easily, so still to this day, I have trouble sleeping when I watch a scary movie, or hear a noise in our creaky house. Well, after reading her book, I figured out that no sports bra would ever save a little girl. I still sleep with a hair tie on my wrist though...

I thought Elizabeth wrote her book very well. I was never deeply scared, but just frightened for her in the moment, if that makes sense. I don't know what word to use, because I enjoyed reading the book, and understanding her situation, but I certainly didn't enjoy the circumstance. I think this is a read every one should partake in, because she talks about the many miracles that she received while being kidnapped. I don't know if I could have been nearly as strong as she was. A part of me thinks that you would just want to give up, but she held strong, and did everything she needed to do to get back to her family. I really enjoyed this read, and am happy that she's home safe, married, and enjoying her life. I would recommend it to everyone.

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