2015 has been busy and great. We've made sure to spend time with friends, time together, and work on our goals. We recently got back from Santa Barbara, where we attended Tanner's cousins' wedding. It was great to be in warmer weather, and celebrate a delayed Christmas with The Zylstra's.

this place never gets old.
We had two visitors this weekend! Shelley and Riss came to UT for the 3 day weekend. They stopped by the house right before we left for the airport, and I was so happy to see them! Love my girlfriends.
Tanner and Opa showed up to the wedding wearing the same tie.
The reception was at the Arts Center in Santa Barbara, and it's sitting on the beach. The sunset that night was killer.
When you have someone take a picture of you...and it turns out to be more of a silhouette. I'm cool with it!
The kids were tuckered out.
I got caught taking cupcakes for the kids even though the cake hadn't been cut yet...but somehow there were lots of missing cupcakes already... oh well, i'll take one for the team. ;)
We were all on the wives' sides this year for Christmas, so getting together meant having Christmas again!
Soph just looked so cut with her new purse!
Love this eyebrow raisin' girl.
It doesn't get much better than a 3-day weekend by the beach!
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