September 12, 2016

Tanner's White Coat Ceremony

The week after school started (back in July), Tanner had his White Coat Ceremony. This ceremony is pretty self-explanatory...where they get their white coat (embroidered with their name might I add!), and we celebrate being done with their first year! It was so great to have both our parents, Tanner's little brother, and Tanner's Oma and Opa in town. It meant a lot to us! 

They all stayed in Union Square so it was fun to explore that area a little bit more. After the ceremony Oma and Opa went and took a nap, and I had heard about a free art exhibit down the street. There were millions of hanging flowers, and it was really fun to check out! We then headed to P.f. Chang's for dinner across the bridge, because a group of 9 was really hard to seat especially when you can rarely get reservations in SF.  

At my parent's hotel, they had this print and it reminds me so much of Tanner, his dad, and grandpa. Picking up coins off the ground no matter where they are!

My cutie on the slideshow! They had some really great service projects they participated in this year.

They sit in "pods" at his school, and he's stuck with all the W-Z' you can see he's the tallest one :)

I grabbed the wrong camera lense unfortunately, so the quality of these pictures aren't too great!

The Palace of Fine Art's is the greatest place for pictures! It was so awesome to have the ceremony at that location...even though there were a million people in the pictures! 

We really picked the right school! We get to go through this crazy ride with lots of friends and we feel so blessed!

Sunday morning we went to Mama's for breakfast, and then the Z's drove back home. We went to church with my parents and had a couple more hours to explore the city with them which was fun! We love when visitors come into town! Especially when they buy us all our I right?! :)

It was SO windy by the bridge, but luckily I had my sweater/turban!

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