November 16, 2014

San Francisco:Day 2

On Saturday morning, we slept in, met up with Tanners parents and brother on the street as they were walking to the hotel, and headed to the mall. We were lucky enough to enjoy the best pedicures ever at the Nordstrom Spa.  You receive a lavender heated blanket on your shoulders while they prepare your room, endless almonds, and once you're in the room, you are on a reclining chair. It was ah-mazing. It was just what Tanner and I needed after our first day of walking! After all of our appointments, we walked around the huge Nordstrom for a bit, and then decided to go on a bike ride! The day before, Tanner and I had seen the city bikes all over the city, and they were only $9 for 24 hours, so we knew we had to take up that great offer! This was such a fun way to explore the city, and I highly recommend it.

Tanner and I had a space in between our appointments where we got to sit on the couch together and eat almonds. It was fun.

Having fun with the selfie stick.
Being in a dress was interesting, but I guess there's no better place than SF to ride a bike in a dress...
We rode to lunch, to the dental school, and all around town. When we were finally so exhausted, we decided to go home, and took a quick cat nap. 

AT&T Park, where the Giants play. 
The school, right downtown.
We had cars coming, but we'll do anything for a good shot...
Pinkies up!
When we were back in the room, we opened the windows and Tanner was freaking out his mom by sticking his foot out the window.
After we woke up and got freshened up, we walked to a delicious Mexican restaurant in Yurba Buena Gardens. While waiting for our reservation, we went to a cathedral, Target, and an MLK memorial.
See! The Selfie stick was a hit!
They're going to kill me, but they're just too cute.
The coolest Target I've ever been in.
After dinner, we decided to hop on the bikes again. We rode up the steepest hills I've ever biked on-that's for sure-and rode all through China town. It was so fun, and I loved soaking it all in! We weren't able to take many pictures of us riding, but we do have lots of video footage, and I'll be sharing a trip video shortly. We rode to Ghirardelli, and totally deserved it. Especially because we had to ride another 2 miles after we arrived at Ghirardelli, because that's where the nearest bike rack was! I wish I couldn't gotten a picture of Tanner's dad, because he took Tanner's moms' bike as well since it had a flat. Holding a bike while riding on cobblestone is pure talent. 

My all time favorite place. But what place isn't when it involves my two favorite things:ice cream & chocolate. If we end up moving there, I will probably have to be on a very strict Ghirardelli budget.

After our day of some major biking, we decided to take a cab home. We had a great experience of me sitting on Tanners lap, the driver asking us to quit giving him the address and some other rude things in a thick accent, and the scariest driving ever-and I've been in lots of taxis before! This is a picture after he dropped us off of Dave asking for all of his change back (he did NOT deserve a tip!), slamming the door, and making sure everyone on the street knew not to drive with him. It made for a hilarious story the whole weekend.
We definitely slept like babies that night!


  1. Where'd you get your checkered dress? I love it!

  2. 1. you are the cutest person. like your hair + hat + dress = i can't even. it's so perfect.
    2. this trip looks amazing. just found your blog, and am glad i did!

    1. Thanks for commenting and for the sweet compliments, Emily! I'm glad you found me, because now that means I can stalk you! :)

  3. love it all! oh my goodness to the cab--- hah you should have taken uber!!!

    1. HAH! We decided to do a cab to see the price difference, and that is what happened. We loved Uber! Never again.
